Has chitra

Kingdom of Cambodia National Religion, King Biography of HAS Chetra Mr. HAS Chetrat was born on March 8, 1999  He is a native of Aroz Svay village, Andong Pouy commune, Romeas Haek district, Svay Rieng province, Cambodia. Family History Mr. HAS Chetra has seven family members. My father, Hassenoeun, is a soldier serving at the border. His mother, Kem Nvy, owns a housewife and farms Hosch Chetra is the third child in the family.  His first brother, Hos Chantara, 2, Hos Makara, 4th brother, Hosch Ratan: Brother 5, Hash Channa.  Background History Mr. Hosch Chetra In 2006, he enrolled at the age of 7 at Wat Huong Hang Primary School in Ta Hang Mean village, Kampong Trach commune, Romeas Haek district, Svay Rieng province, Cambodia. .... etc.  In 2013, he attended Rajastha High School in Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia.  In 2013, he was in Grade 7E in 2017 and attended Grade 10A. Mr. Hastchetra has a strong attitude, hard work to study hard He strives to study because Hosch Chet has two aspirations As a civil servant who is courageous to serve the nation, preserve the country and culture, civilization and national traditions to preserve its permanence, especially to safeguard the people peace and peace. Material Investor: Modern Electronics Because of the 23rd century worldview has developed especially in advanced technology. But in Cambodia, it has not been so prosperous, so he intends to make the country develop as well as the superpower. Biography by Mr Has chitra All Rights Reserved by Has chitra Made in Cambodia                                 Signature  Haas Chetra